Student Mental Health Information Online

Promotional Resources for Schools

Thumbnail of 4Rs Mental Health Charter

4Rs Mental Health Charter

(Chinese version only)

Thumbnail of Resources for Coping with Exam Stress.

Resources for Coping with Exam Stress.

Resources for coping stress during exam period.

Thumbnail of Promotional Resources on "Self-care Promotes Well-being".

Promotional Resources on "Self-care Promotes Well-being".

 Self-care is particularly important when we are facing difficulties or under much stress.  We can teach our students a valuable life lesson by showing them that they have the capacity and means to enhance their own sense of happiness, through introducing to them relevant self-care skills, providing them with timely reminders, as well as arranging self-care activities with them.

Thumbnail of “Gratitude Train: The Ten-Station Journey” (Chinese version only)

“Gratitude Train: The Ten-Station Journey” (Chinese version only)

To assist students in learning gratitude, the Education Bureau have designed the “Gratitude Train: The Ten-Station Journey” handbook (available in Chinese only). By touring the Gratitude Train route and completing discussions, exercises, and reflections at each station, students gradually understand, learn, and practise gratitude, thereby enhancing their sense of well-being.

Thumbnail of Bereavement Picture Book

Bereavement Picture Book

(Chinese version only)

Thumbnail of Advice to Schools and Parents on Mask-wearing Arrangements

Advice to Schools and Parents on Mask-wearing Arrangements

Teachers and parents may refer to the advice and help students to adapt bit by bit.

Thumbnail of "Resuming Vibrant Life @School" Designated Webpage

"Resuming Vibrant Life @School" Designated Webpage

To provide practical resources for schools and parents to help students adjust to the full resumption of face-to-face classes.

Thumbnail of Resource Packs for Helping Students Adjust to the Full Resumption of Face-to-face Classes

Resource Packs for Helping Students Adjust to the Full Resumption of Face-to-face Classes

According to the S.A.F.E. model and related literature, teachers can support the emotional distress faced by students during the resumption of classes by four aspects, including security, familiarity, allowance and emotional regulation.

Thumbnail of Promoting Mental Health Among Students: Sharing of Practical Experiences

Promoting Mental Health Among Students: Sharing of Practical Experiences

Share practical experiences in promoting mental health among students in schools.

Thumbnail of Resources pack for supporting students facing class resumption

Resources pack for supporting students facing class resumption

According to the S.A.F.E. model and related literature, teachers can support the emotional distress faced by students during the resumption of classes by four aspects, including security, familiarity, allowance and emotional regulation.

Thumbnail of Enhancing Students' Resilience

Enhancing Students' Resilience

(Chinese version only)

Thumbnail of Special from Heart and Hut: Prevention on Student Suicide Promotional Video (Chinese version only)

Special from Heart and Hut: Prevention on Student Suicide Promotional Video (Chinese version only)

A video on prevention on student suicide to raise the public concern about the student suicide problem.

Thumbnail of Suspending classes without suspending love in the epidemic

Suspending classes without suspending love in the epidemic

In the face of unforeseeable events such as the epidemic and class suspension, many students understandably feel stressed and disturbed and have experienced mood swings. The Education Bureau has produced a series of short psychoeducational videos to equip teachers and parents with the skills to deal with the negative emotions and mental stress of their students and children.

Thumbnail of Suspending classes without suspending love in the epidemic <br />
For teachers - Episode (1): Care for self

Suspending classes without suspending love in the epidemic
For teachers - Episode (1): Care for self

This episode discusses the different challenges and stress that teachers are facing during the class suspension and provides them some tips to strengthen their resilience and promote their mental health.

Thumbnail of Suspending classes without suspending love in the epidemic For teachers - Episode (2): Care for students: basic counselling skills

Suspending classes without suspending love in the epidemic For teachers - Episode (2): Care for students: basic counselling skills

This episode introduces the stress reactions of students in response to the epidemic and class suspension; and some basic counselling skills for teachers in understanding and accepting student's emotional reactions and also discuss how to use the skills to help their students get through the adversity positively and return to the usual state.

Thumbnail of Suspending classes without suspending love in the epidemic For teachers - Episode (3): Practical skills in handling the emotions of young students

Suspending classes without suspending love in the epidemic For teachers - Episode (3): Practical skills in handling the emotions of young students

This episode discusses how teachers can guide their students to deal with the negative thoughts, manage the emotional problems that have arisen due to the class suspension in the epidemic and help their students adapt to the new daily routines and learning environment positively.

Thumbnail of Suspending classes without suspending love in the epidemic  For teachers - Episode (4): Practical skills in handling the emotions of teenage students

Suspending classes without suspending love in the epidemic For teachers - Episode (4): Practical skills in handling the emotions of teenage students

This episode discusses how teachers can guide their students to deal with the negative thoughts, manage the emotional problems that have arisen due to the class suspension in the epidemic and help their students adapt to the new daily routines and learning environment positively.

Thumbnail of Suspending classes without suspending love in the epidemic  For teachers - Episode (5): Facing class resumption positively

Suspending classes without suspending love in the epidemic For teachers - Episode (5): Facing class resumption positively

This episode discusses how teachers can help their students to prepare for the class resumption, re-adjust to the learning routine and school life gradually, relieve their pressure and face the class resumption positively.

Thumbnail of Infographics on preparing for the new school year - for teachers (Chinese version only)

Infographics on preparing for the new school year - for teachers (Chinese version only)

The infographics provide suggestions for students, parents and teachers to prepare for the new school year positively.

Thumbnail of Information kit on enhancing life resilience – for schools

Information kit on enhancing life resilience – for schools

The information kit aims to provide handful tips to help school personnel and parents identify students with emotional difficulties as early as possible and seek timely support, and enhance students’ resilience against adversity.

Thumbnail of Think on a broader plane, unwind and relax

Think on a broader plane, unwind and relax

The video uses examples of frustrations frequently encountered by students to encourage them to think and face difficulties from a positive perspective.

Thumbnail of Life education for secondary school Lesson plan – I choose to be happy: Stress and mental health (Chinese version only)

Life education for secondary school Lesson plan – I choose to be happy: Stress and mental health (Chinese version only)

We encourage schools to enhance life education through various kinds of activities, such as group discussion or class period after the assembly, according to their specific needs.

Thumbnail of Life education for upper primary Lesson plan - Guardian angels: You and me (Chinese version only)

Life education for upper primary Lesson plan - Guardian angels: You and me (Chinese version only)

We encourage schools to enhance life education through various kinds of activities, such as group discussion or class period after the assembly, according to their specific needs.

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